Depression & Mood Disorders

Depression can affect anyone and is one of the most common mental health disorders.

Depression & Mood Disorder Treatment NYCAs with all emotions, occasional sadness is a normal part of life. However, when mood problems persist, interfere with your ability to enjoy life, or get in the way of your goals, it is time to seek help. The good news about depression is that effective, empirically-supported treatments exist. Both Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) have strong research evidence showing that they improve mood.

Together, we will decide if one of these treatments may be right for you.

Sometimes a longer treatment can be necessary, especially if your mood problem is longstanding. Schema Therapy is a type of CBT developed specifically for resolving chronic mood problems and interpersonal difficulties, and is well supported in the research literature.

In addition to providing these types of therapies, I also collaborate with prescribers in treating patients when a combination of psychotherapy and anti-depressant medication could be helpful. As always, these decisions are made collaboratively, based on your particular needs and treatment preferences. Examples of mood disorders that I treat include major depressive episodes, persistent depressive disorder (chronic low mood), difficulty with life transitions, difficulty in interpersonal relationships, postpartum depression, adjustment disorders and grief following a significant loss.

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